Carlo e Gioia Marchi Società Finanziaria di Partecipazioni S.r.l (Marchi Finanziaria) ) is the holding company of the Marchi family and the controlling shareholder of Marchi Industriale, with a stake of 63.9398%.

The two controlling real estate shareholdings (Castel di Pietra e Castello della Pia) relate to a farm of over 950 acres with restored farmhouses for a total surface of 5,000 sm. 

The holding holds, moreover, 3.39%* of the company Falck Spa, controlling shareholder of the listed company Falck Renewables.

At the end of 2016 Marchi Finanziaria holds a net assets for over 80 mln/€ and a net financial position of about  22 mln/€.

Castel di Pietra and Castello della Pia:
Falck Spa: